Is the Spirit calling out to you to help with this ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas? Below are a couple of ways that we always need help! Not sure what that might look like to you? See bELOW AND let's discuss the possibilities!




How are you called to help in our apostolates? Maybe you have the time and Talent to serve as a CATECHIST or CORE Member. Maybe you would love to help serve meals for our youth. Maybe you love fundraising and talking to donors about using their financial gifts to bring more and more youth to Christ.

We are ALWAYS looking for more people to serve. It’s not just a calling, it’s a commissioning. Jesus himself called us to “go and make disciples of all people”. And if you feel called, let us help you find where your gifts are best utilized! Click below to get safe environment trained and be ready to serve.


Do you want your own treasure to be used to scholarship those less fortunate into having life-changing encounters with the lord through retreats and other events? We cannot reach our impact potential without You!


  1. BECOME A SHAREHOLDER. on our online giving platform (PUSHPAY), you can make a one-time or recurring gift to our “Shareholder Scholarship” fund, which is used specifically for children, teens, and adults who desire to have these life-changing encounters but cannot afford the cost. This fund also helps pay for world-class training conferences and classes so that our adult leaders are continuously growing in their ability to teach the faith. To specify a specific person or event to support, send a copy of the receipt to and we will make sure it is earmarked.

  2. Become an underwritER. We are committed to never doing just “good enough” for our youth at Aquinas. We are constantly pushing the envelope of what we can (and are being called to) do. As an underwriter, you’ll have the opportunity to make an event more accessible for all attendees, also allowing room to grow and impact even more people! Contact Andrew Starbuck in the office to meet and talk about what events could be underwritten.

  3. Become a MISSION PARTNER. You are invested in the success of an entire program. Not only do you want to contribute your finances but help get more people to invest in the mission and help create budgets to take the ministry to new heights. You are on the board of investors and help us brainstorm and dream BIG. Contact Andrew Starbuck to meet!


Sanctuary embodies the refuge that teens find in Christ, transcending from the sacred altars of our Parishes into the secular aspects of their daily lives. It establishes peace amidst chaos, order amidst disorder, and love in the midst of fear.

Sanctuary conveys Divine Shelter, offering teens as well as adults refuge in times of trial. It highlights the sanctity of our Inner Sanctuary, transforming the ordinary into Sacred Space.