2025: Year of Hope
Bishop Dolan’s 1st Year of TILMA
The 10 Hopes of Spes Non Confundit (Hope Does Not Disappoint), 9 May 2024, Pope Francis
As previously noted, Bishop Dolan has authored a seven-year pastoral plan for the Diocese of Phoenix. The first year of this plan, titled TILMA (Testifica o Iglesia, a la Luz del Misterio del Amor – Testify, oh Church, to the Light of the Mystery of Love), has two themes:
Evangelizing through Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother all,
Evangelizing through the 10 Hopes as laid out in Spes Non Confundit
The 10 Hopes are:
Hope for Peace Over Division
Hope for Enthusiasm for Life and Readiness to Share It
Hope for Openness to Life and Responsible Parenthood
Hope for Prisoners and Restorative Justice
Hope for the Sick and Those Dedicated to Their Care
Hope for Youth and Young Adults
Hope for Immigrants, Migrants, and Refugees
Hope for the Elderly
Hope for the Poor and the Hungry
Hope for Greater Christian Unity
For each of these 10 Hopes, we will be offering information regarding events hosted by the Diocese of Phoenix and our parish, as well as including suggestions for personal reflection and action.
Hope for Peace over Division (January - February 2025)
Theological Virtue: Hope (Optimism and confidence in God)
Diocesan Events
The Diocese of Phoenix has established six pilgrimage sites that can be visited during the Jubilee Year. These sites are:
Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral (Phoenix)
St. Mary’s Basilica (Phoenix)
St. Anthony (Sacaton)
St Mary (Kingman)
Chapel of the Holy Cross (Sedona)
Sacred Heart Parish (Prescott)
At each of these sites, the Diocese of Phoenix has placed a “peace pole” as well as a plaque with a unique QR code. When scanned, the pilgrim receives a virtual puzzle piece at each site. When put together, the virtual puzzle pieces create a beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bishop Dolan will send a gift to each person who completes the puzzle by visiting and scanning the QR code at all six sites.
Additionally, by visiting each of these sites, the faithful can receive a plenary indulgence by making a pilgrimage during the Jubilee year. (For more information on the plenary indulgence and the conditions for the indulgence, visit https://tilma.dphx.org/plenary-indulgence/.)
Parish Events
At St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, we will offer a Holy Hour for peace on Sunday, February 16 at 2:00 Pm. All are welcome to attend.
Personal Events/Suggestions
Consider making a pilgrimage to one or more of the sites listed above.
Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation to make peace with God.
Offer a personal Mass for Peace in the world. This can be accomplished anytime during the year; it doesn’t have to be an “official” Mass intention; it can be a personal offering at any given Mass and made personally in the silence of your heart.
Reach out to an estranged family member, friend, or neighbour and begin the process of peace, reconciliation and communion this year.
Hope for Enthusiasm for Life and a Readiness to Share It (March 2025)
Theological Virtue: Hope (Optimism and confidence in God)
Diocesan Events
Workshop on Wednesday (WOW): Promoted through the Office for Evangelization
Rite of Election will be held in four locations during the Lenten Season; Pastors, catechists, and those to be received into the fullness of Christ and His Church will receive an invitation to attend one of the Rite of Elections:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Avondale (9 March 2025, 3.30p)*
Immaculate Conception, Cottonwood (15 March 2025, 11.00a)
Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, Phoenix (16 March 2025, 3.30p)*
St. Mary, Kingman (22 March, 11.00a)
*Ticketed event only
The Diocese of Phoenix has established six pilgrimage sites that can be visited during the Jubilee Year. These sites are:
Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral (Phoenix)
St. Mary’s Basilica (Phoenix)
St. Anthony (Sacaton)
St Mary (Kingman)
Chapel of the Holy Cross (Sedona)
Sacred Heart Parish (Prescott)
At each of these sites, the Diocese of Phoenix has placed a “peace pole” as well as a plaque with a unique QR code. When scanned, the pilgrim receives a virtual puzzle piece at each site. When put together, the virtual puzzle pieces create a beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bishop Dolan will send a gift to each person who completes the puzzle by visiting and scanning the QR code at all six sites.
Additionally, by visiting each of these sites, the faithful can receive a plenary indulgence by making a pilgrimage during the Jubilee year. (For more information on the plenary indulgence and the conditions for the indulgence, visit https://tilma.dphx.org/plenary-indulgence/.)
Parish Events
Personal Events/Suggestions
Consider opening your home for a Lenten Scripture reflection using the Christ in Our Neighbourhood (CION) series
Join a parish pro-life group
Make a personal retreat (search for “Catholic retreats” online for the latest locations and events)