your first stop in the Welcome Center should be met with a smiling face and a desire to help you find what you’re looking for. New to the parish? Need some documents? can’t Find something? We’re here to be of assistance!

Maybe we can help get you in the right direction right away! Here are some common questions we answer here at the doc:
How can i register for the parish? Right here! That even has spots to register for ministries and update your info.
I’m looking to volunteer. What do i do? You can start off by making sure you’re safe environment certified here. Then fill out the volunteer interest form here.
What are the mass/confession/adoration times? They’re always posted right outside the DOC and Church doors. And you can always find them here.
What is happening at the parish today/this week? It’s constantly updating and growing with our parish…but our live calendar can be found right here.
Can I meet with a priest? Absolutely! We have three priests in residence…but with 7,000+ families registered and a lot of ministry going on, it’s always easiest to schedule an appointment to make sure you catch them. Come on in or call to make an appointment.
I just need an item blessed. What can i do if a priest isn’t around? We make that easy! bring it by the office and we have a “To be blessed” basket that one of the clergy makes sure to bless each day. So drop it off one day and pick it up the next!