A Jubilee Year is decreed by a pope and is rooted in sacred Scripture, specifically in the Book of Leviticus. In scripture, every 50 years God commanded the chosen people Israel to live a year of restoration where slaves were set free, debts forgiven, and land was restored to its rightful owners.
In following the prescription of a Jubilee Year, the Church now celebrates Jubilee Years every 25 years as well as on other special occasions. For example, Pope Francis declared a Jubilee for the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Benedict declared 2000 the Great Jubilee Year, and Pope John Paul II declared 1983 as a Jubilee Year to celebrate the 1,950th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In all cases, these occasions have a special emphasis on the reality that God desires to free us from the slavery to sin, forgive our debts caused by our sinfulness, and restore the “land” that is our hearts.
Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year for 2025 (24 December 2024 6 January 2026) with a special emphasis on Romans 5:5, “…hope does not disappoint” with the theme “pilgrims of hope.” In parallel to the Pope’s initiative, Bishop Dolan has authored a seven-year pastoral plan called TILMA (Testifica o Iglesia, a la Luz del Misterio del Amor – Testify, oh Church, to the Light of the Mystery of Love) aimed toward the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions on Tepeyac Hill on 9 December 2031. The focus on Our Lady of Guadalupe in the plan is based on the appointment of her as Patroness of the Americas as well as of the Diocese of Phoenix. Each year of Bishop Dolan’s pastoral plan will carry a unique theme and emphasis related to evangelization.
“The first year of the pastoral plan will carry the theme ‘Year of Hope’ in tandem with Pope Francis proclaiming 2025 a Jubilee Year with a special emphasis on Romans 5:5, ‘hope does not disappoint.’ This is the perfect theme to begin our seven-year walk with Our Lady, who always leads us to Jesus, our Savior and our Hope” remarks Bishop Dolan (TILMA, 10/7/2024). Most of the themes are based on the five apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s National Pastoral Plan, Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy. The seven themes (theological or cardinal virtues) are:
2025: Year of Hope (Hope)
2026: El Camino Real (Faith)
2027: Animated by Christ (Temperance)
2028: That All May Be One (Fortitude)
2029: Renewed in Trust (Justice)
2030: The Encounter Movement (Prudence)
2031: Go Forth in Joy (Charity)
For us at St. Thomas Aquinas, we will be following this pastoral plan and will be promoting various activities of the Diocese of Phoenix, at our Parish in conjunction with diocesan efforts and guidelines, as well as offering personal ideas and suggestions to engage in the evangelization of Bishop Dolan’s plan. We will be communicating these through our media channels and encourage all of our parishioners and families to participate in these efforts to bring the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe to all: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother? …Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need something more? Let nothing else worry you or disturb you.”