Adult Sacramental Preparation is for all adults 18+ who are out of high school. This is a 9-month program that will prepare adults for reception of all of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Our Adult Sacrament Prep comprises of weekly formation meetings on Wednesday Nights from 6pm - 7:30pm in St. Clare Hall. Once a month, that class will consist of our SUMMA Lecture series, which is open to ALL adults of the parish. Summa (named after St. Thomas Aquinas’ largest work) is where you’ll have deeper formation specifically for YOU by amazing speakers. This is also a fantastic time if you’re new to Aquinas, to get to know other parishioners.
There is also a mandatory, one-day, on-campus retreat.
if you need baptism as well, please visit our OCI page.
if you are looking for paperwork or resources, find it all here.